Kerana dirimu amat berharga
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Di Sydney, tak dak promotion pasal Father's Day pun. Ropanya depa kat sini celebrate hari bapa bulan September nun. Awat lagu tu ha? Lain tempat lain hari pulak.
Hmmph takpa. Dah kita ni orang malaysia, bapak2 kita dok ada di Tanah Melayu nun, kena celebrate hari ni jugak la. Esok bulan 9 sok celebrate lagi. Elyn kata tak jumpak cari kad Father's Day. Depa tak juai lagi sebab lambat lagi kot. Err, tak jumpak ka, tak cari?
Lastly, Selamat Hari Bapa buat semua bapa, especially to my abah di Taiping! Tak lupa jugak kat abah mertua di bilik sebelah.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Orang Memberi Kita Merasa
Sebelum meneruskan cerita, ingin saya panjangkan penghargaan di atas kepada beberapa blog rakan-rakan lain. Bolehlah 'tempel' di blog anda. Sengaja saya pilih blogger yang saya kira sebagai 'pelajar tua' dan berada di perantauan dengan ucapan 'teruskan menulis':
1. Bakhtiarazi
2.anon suria
4.Zurin Kefeli
dan juga kepada blogger Tirana dari The Precious Moment yang penuh dengan artikel motivasi serta panduan berguna.
Diteruskan cerita...
Pada asalnya, blog ini diwujudkan sebagai tempat untuk mencoret apa sahaja bentuk penulisan, baik tulisan sendiri, 'cut & paste', gambar atau tazkirah untuk hiburan diri sendiri melayan perkembangan teknologi IT. Selain itu, berada di luar negara, kadang kala ia juga merupakan platform untuk berhubungan dengan keluarga di Malaysia, terutamanya yang nak tengok gambar.
Sebagai pelajar 'tua', kesibukan dengan tugas2 rasmi belajar tidak pernah putus. Mengadap komputer seharian, atau terperangkap di dalam makmal akibat mesin yang buat hal, melayan karenah supervisor yang pelbagai, merupakan asam garam kehidupan para pelajar. Ditambah pula para pelajar tua biasanya telah berkeluarga membezakannya dengan pelajar2 'single' dari segi beban tugas dan tanggungjawab selain dari belajar. Masa selain dari belajar biasanya dihabiskan dengan tugas-tugas 'domestic' termasuk memastikan isi rumah atau household dalam keadaan terurus.
Terima kasih kepada IT, penggunaan Blog dan juga Facebook sedikit sebanyak membantu mengurangkan rasa 'kesaorangan' yang dilalui. Adalah juga aktiviti lain di depan komputer selain dari study & research related. Sekurang-kurangnya kita bersosial di alam maya di samping mempunyai kawan-kawan baru. Blogging membolehkan kita bercerita, meluahkan isi hati atau buah fikiran kita. Ia juga boleh digunakan untuk melatih 'free writing skill' yang merupakan skill yang penting dalam penulisan thesis. Tidak kurang juga ruang untuk berlatih menggunakan bahasa Inggeris. Facebook pula menjalinkan networking kita bersama rakan-rakan lama dan baru, selain sentiasa mengetahui perkembangan masing-masing. Dengan ber'facebook' juga membuatkan kita tidak berasa sendirian dalam menjalani kehidupan sebagai 'pelajar tua' kerana ramai lagi rakan-rakan lain yang berada dalam situasi yang sama tetapi berbeza cara.
Walau apa jua teknologi yang kita ada, jika kita menggunakannya ke arah kebaikan, insyaAllah kebaikanlah yang kita perolehi. Jika sebaliknya, maka diri sendirilah yang rugi...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Barber in New York
The Barber in New York
There was once a very good barber in NEW YORK, he gives Free Haircut to everybody who comes into his shop to have their haircuts. One day a florist goes to him for a haircut. After the cut, he goes to pay the barber and the barber replies: 'I am sorry. I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.' The Florist is happy and leaves the shop. The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, there is a thank you card and a dozen roses waiting at his door.
A policeman goes for a haircut and he also goes to pay the barber after the cut. But the barber replies: 'I am sorry. I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.' The cop is happy and leaves the shop. The next morning the barber goes to open his shop, there is a thank you card and a dozen donuts waiting at his door.
A Malaysian software engineer goes for a haircut and he also goes to pay the barber after the cut. But the barber replies: 'I am sorry. I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.' The Malaysian software engineer is very happy and leaves. The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, guess what he finds there....... Can you guess? Come on, think like a Malaysian... . have you got the answer ........... ????? come on ............ . guess guess guess.......
a dozen Malaysians waiting for a free haircut!!!!!
In my study here in NSW, I've conducted some interviews among a free meals' clients. Free lunches were provided by this community service centre from Mondays to Thursdays every week. Everybody are welcomed. However, not even 100 people turned up in any particular day, despite the low socio-economic status of that area. From my observation, there's not a single kid came by and took the free sandwiches and other foods during that time. The interviewees told that some people around the area would just go without food rather than coming to the centre and have a free lunch. They were too proud to come to the community centre, as most didn't like to be associated with charity. I would love to write more about the findings but it is still an 'in-progress' thing , so kind of bound with the rules and regulations.
Well, back to the track. I was thinking do we have this kind of service in Malaysia? I wonder how it will be like to have this kind of service in our place...
Note: Yes it was just a joke. However, does this applies to all Malaysian? Will all Malaysian think that way? Do we always be labeled like that? Tang mana ada makan free, service free, wayang free, segala mak nenek yang free, kitalah yang nombor satu sekali pi. Hmm, betoi ka? When this attitude will change? Mungkinkah satu hari nanti kita boleh dikenali sebagai 'masyarakat pemberi'? Ini belum lagi ulas pasal biasiswa atau bantuan pelajaran dsb, yang mana kadang2 kita lihat mereka yang layak dapat tapi ketinggalan, yang kaya 'meliana' tiba-tiba dapat segala bantuan dan kemudahan? Pakai 'cable' ka? Hmm...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Vivid Sydney
There were a lot of people around, despite the very cold weather. However, it was not as crowded as during weekends I reckoned. We easily got a parking space close by without any hassle. I purposely chose to go during weekdays.
As we walked along, cameras and tripods lined the shore, with photographers waiting for the best moment to capture the scene. Boats and ferries passing by. Lights from the sky scrappers nearby, with the clear night sky and a full moon, all added up into making it a perfect night to take some memorable photos.
Now take a look at the colours of the Sydney Opera House:
-use tripod as often as possible
-try using the Auto Exposure Bracketing function in your camera. Set up to the max point and see the difference
-using the shutter mode, set a longer shutter time, up to maybe 15sec or more for landscape photos
-to take portrait photos without using the flash, try to find a lamp post or flood lights and ask the subject to stand behind it so the face gets a bit of light. 1/10sec of shutter speed should produce a satisfactory result.
-if the background has enough lighting, you might use the flash to highlight your subject
-always review your photos. You might need to take another shot
I'm sure all the pros out there know better.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Postgrad Day 2009
Antara tujuan program ini adalah berkenalan dan merapatkan ukhuwah antara pelajar lama dan baru. Acara sukaneka kanak-kanak dan dewasa memenuhi program, selain hidangan makanan yang tak putus, ditambah dengan BBQ yang sedaaaap. Ini antara masa yang para pelajar berjumpa beramah mesra, selain dari Hari Raya. Memang, ada kenalan yang rasanya dah berbulan tak jumpa.
Ramai juga yang hadir, baru dan lama. Cuaca pagi agak baik. Menjelang tengah hari, awan hitam mula memasuki gelanggang. Hujan renyai sesekali turun, memberi isyarat supaya pulang ke rumah dan sambung kerja, hehe.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Persimmon @ Pisang Kaki
As far as I can remember, the first time I had this fruit was in Medan. At that time I was about 5 - 6 y.o. There's a picture of me eating it in the middle of the market. Why do we call it 'pisang kaki' is always a wonder. I've seen the tree, not even close to a banana tree at all.
The colour of the flesh varies from pale yellow to red. This is because of the relatively high content of carotenes. Some people like to eat it when it's still crunchy, but I prefer to wait until it becomes soft, but not gooey. I think it tastes sweeter that way. Just wrap them in a plastic and keep them at room temperature will expedite the process of ripening.
During this winter time, most of the fruits have been priced a little bit higher. So does the vegetables. However, don't make this as an excuse not to eat fruits and vegies. There's a lot of varieties to choose from. Make them as a compulsory diet every day.
Nutritional Value of Persimmon
Measurement | Weight gms | Energy Kcal | Water gms | Protein gms | Fat gms | CHO gms | Fibre gms | Ash gms |
100 | 80 | 79.20 | 0.50 | 0.1 | 19.20 | 0.6 | 0.4 | |
1 whole, small (DxT, 6.5x4.5 cm) | 138 | 88 | 87.50 | 0.60 | 0.1 | 21.20 | 0.7 | 0.4 |
1 whole, large (DxT, 7.5x5 cm) | 193 | 123 | 122.20 | 0.80 | 0.2 | 29.60 | 0.9 | 0.6 |
Measurement | Weight gms | Retinol microgram | Carotenes microgram | RE microgram | B1 mg | B2 mg | Niacin mg | C mg |
100 | 0 | 322 | 54 | 0.08 | 0.02 | 0.3 | 17.00 | |
1 whole, small (DxT, 6.5x4.5 cm) | 138 | 0 | 356 | 60 | 0.09 | 0.02 | 0.3 | 18.80 |
1 whole, large (DxT, 7.5x5 cm) | 193 | 0 | 497 | 83 | 0.12 | 0.03 | 0.5 | 26.20 |
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mari ber Pocho-pocho
Tadi terbaca lagi kat facebook, ada kawan-kawan dok tengah poco-poco. Maka nak tau apa sebenarnya poco-poco ni aku pun google lah. Rupanya lagu dari Indonesia, rentaknya memang sesuai untuk gerakan senamrobik gitu. Dah tersebar ke seluruh dunia (exaggerate sikit), mat saleh pun minat.
Bila tengok kat youtube, memang glamer lagu ni. Budak2 PLKN menari, cikgu senaman guna dalam kelas, siap ada yang buat pertandingan. Dalam beberapa video yang aku tengok (saja nak tengok depa ni menari lagu mana), yang ni paling aku suka sekali. Cikgu-cikgi naik atas pentas menari sakan sempena sambutan hari guru sekolah depa. Perasan dak cikgu baju ijau tu, semangat, hehe...
SM All Saints' Teacher Doin Poco-poco Dance - These bloopers are hilarious
Baguslah cikgu2, kalau asik serius dan garang aje, sesekali enjoy la. Budak2 pun geli hati tengok cikgu2 goyang atas stage. Jangan overrr sudaah...
Teringin nak nyanyi lagi poco-poco? silakan...
Balenggang pata-pata
Ngana pe goyang pica-pica
Ngana pe body poco-poco
Cuma ngana yang kita cinta
Cuma ngana yang kita sayang
Cuma ngana suka beking pusing
(ulang rangkap di atas)
Ngana bilang kita na sayang
Rasa hati ini malayang
Jauh cija cija
Biar kita ngana pe bayang
Biar na beking layang-layang
Cuma ngana yang kita sayang
Ada yang teringin nak menari? silakan...
Basic move:
Foot movements
1. two times move to the right, (right foot, left foot, right foot,
left foot-dot)
2. two times move to the left, (left foot, right foot, left foot,
right foot-dot)
Hand movements:
1. When the right foot move to the right, the right hand move
downwards and move upwards otherwise. When the left foot make the dot
then the hand paused for a while before starts again (following the
movements to the left)
2. The opposite of no. 1 for the left movements.
And the 'goyang' must be patah-patah ya ....(hip move according to the
foot direction)
Then move towards the four cardinal points for the same movement
before changing to another movements.
Hah, apalagi! Jom Pocho Pocho!