Kerana dirimu amat berharga

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


And I quote:

"I could kill all the Jews in the world, but I kept some alive, so you can see why I was killing them." 
- Adolf Hitler - 

They say that Hitler said that once. I believe he did that with a reason. If he had killed all the Jews on this planet, we might continue to blame him and said he had done a terrible thing. But instead, the remainder of the cursed race had now again shown their true color, thus justifying why they need to be eliminated. Only people with sound mind and soul can see and understand. 

This morning there was a discussion on IKIM radio asking the listener on what is the best punishment for Israel. Well, some of the lame suggestions were boycott, economic restrain, etc. I can't really see how these will affect them. All this while, they never obey any international laws, even UN resolutions had no effects on them. They are a nation with no laws. They are bold enough to do whatever they like because they were backed by the 'world police'.

For me, I believe the ONLY solution for this issue is UNITY. All the Muslim countries must unite together, have a consensus on this matter and ACT accordingly. Please no more on-paper-only memorandum or critics or prolong discussion whatsoever as these has proven to do nothing. We have the strength, we have the power, but the leaders of these countries are so arrogant and only think of their bellies, if I may say. Now the people of the world started to see the true colors of the Israel, and now is the time for us to unite and gain support from the world community.

There is a Hadith describing the end of the Jews:

لَا تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يُقَاتِلَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ الْيَهُودَ فَيَقْتُلَهُمْ الْمُسْلِمُونَ حَتَّى يَخْتَبِئَ الْيَهُودِيُّ وَرَاءَ الْحَجَرِ أَوْ الشَّجَرَةِ فَيَقُولُ الْحَجَرُ أَوْ الشَّجَرُ يَا مُسْلِمُ يَا عَبْدَ اللَّهِ هَذَا يَهُودِيٌّ خَلْفِي فَتَعَالَ 
 فَاقْتُلْهُ إِلَّا الْغَرْقَدَ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْ شَجَرِ الْيَهُود

"Tidak akan terjadi Kiamat sehingga kaum Muslimin memerangi kaum Yahudi sampai Yahudi berlindung di balik batu dan pohon lalu batu dan pohon berbicara “Hai Muslim, hai hamba Allah, ini Yahudi di belakangku, kemari, bunuhlah dia,” kecuali Ghorqod kerana ia (Ghorqod) sesungguhnya merupakan pohon Yahudi.” (HR Ahmad)

If we look at the hadith, the noun used were 'kaum Muslimin'. Rasulullah did not say 'the Arabs' or 'the Palestinians' or 'the Turks' who will battle against the Jews. This sends a message that only when all Muslims around the globe are united and face the Jews as a whole, then only we can win over them. Nevertheless, this also is happening now but on the other way round; the Jews are slaughtering our brothers and sisters at their will. Mind you, some if not all of them are more literate in Islam rather than us Muslims. They study the Quran, the Hadith, the Muslim, and act against them...




  1. Setuju dengan AzD...dengan bersatu, insyaAllah Yahudi boleh dikalahkan. Yahudi menjadi kuat bukan kerana dia kuat tapi kerana umat islam lemah disebabkan perpecahan.

  2. salam kite minta izin copy artikel diatas...pls link n follow kite sudikan...tq

  3. Kak Tirana,
    Dah terlalu banyak perpecahan hingga tak boleh nak pecah lagi dah.
    p/s: tadi pi makan kenduri kat parit buntar, berlain sungguh la dengan dulu. Sayu bila lalu depan rumah tok.

    salaam. silakan, moga bermanfaat.

  4. hehehe..dah banyak perubahan yang berlaku di PB...semakin sesak nampaknya..

    Ada award untuk Azdie di sini

  5. salam, sy seorang silent reader yg dah lama kat blog abu aiman ni. suka baca blog ni. :)

    tergerak nak komen tentang isu boikot ni. boikot bukan sesuatu yang remeh mungkin bagi saya, malah mcm mana kita nak cakap tentang bersatu tu sekiranya boikot McD (di Malaysia) conthnya pun susah dilakukan beramai2, sedangkan Sheikh Qardhawi sendiri keluarkan fatwa untuk isu boikot ni.

    Selagi bnda2 kecik tak boleh bersatu, inikan nak bersatu benda yang lebih besar?

    ada satu tulisan blog yang mungkn abu aiman boleh baca jika ada kelapangan. =)

    semoga diberi kekuatan untuk terus membawa kebenaran dan keadilan.

  6. Dan bersatunya kita bila semua memahami isu ini sebenar2 kefahaman. Bukan tau lpas tu tak buat apa2 hee. Jom, fahamkan semua orang tentang isu ini.

  7. Kak Tirana,
    Tima kasih, nanti saya ambik. Dok bermusafir lagi ni...

    Salaam Sis Rahmah,
    Tima kasih kerana sudi tinggalkan jejak kali ini =)

    Saya bersetuju yg boikot dan demo yang berterusan itu perlu, supaya terus diberi peringatan dan kesedaran. Mcm sis rahmah maksudkan, benda yang kecik2 pun kita susah nak bersatu, yang besar2 apatah lagi. Alangkah baiknya jika semua ketua2 negara yang 'tersedar' dan bersatu dalam membuat keputusan dan tindakan bukan? Syukur kerana kita berasa sensitif dengan isu2 sebegini, tetapi amat ramai di luar sana yang masih tidak peduli...

    Terima kasih kerana berkongsi link tersebut, alhamdulillah dapat satu lg ilmu.



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