Rasulullah pernah bersabda yang bermaksud, "Siapa yang di akhir hayatnya (ketika hampir mati) sempat menyebut LA ILA HA ILLALLAH, mati pasti ia masuk syurga" (Hadith riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Hibban dan Al-Hakim).
Ingin saya kongsikan bersama intipati sebuah kuliah. Ianya berkisar tentang hati, bagaimana seorang anggota polis berubah corak kehidupannya selepas mengalami peristiwa yang amat menyentuh hati dan jiwanya.
The incident happened in Saudi Arabia. One fine day while this police officer was on duty with his friend on a patrol, they met with an accident. It started when two youngsters, believed to have driven their car very fast, the car crashed and their condition were so bad. The two policemen arrived at the scene and carried the youngsters out and away from their totaled car, afraid the car might burst or something. While waiting for the ambulance to come, they tried to help whatever they can. The policeman heard the youngsters humming something while they were in very critical condition. He went closer to one of them to listen and he found out the humming was some kind of music or song, most probably the one they were listening to, while driving in the car. The youngsters continued to hum until the ambulance came and took them in the hospital. They were pronounced dead soon after.
A few months later, the same police officer attended to another accident. This time it happened in a tunnel around the same area. It was believed that a young man had a flat tyre and in real need to change it. He went out of the car and carefully trying to take out the spare tyre from the booth, when another rather speedy car came and knocked him down, sandwiched between that car and his own car. Once they received the news, the tunnel was blocked from traffic. The policeman arrived and again try to help whatever he could while waiting for the ambulance.
Again, he heard humming sound from this dying young man. Only this time he found out that the young man was reciting the Quran. Not sure whether the ambulance could make it or not, the policeman took the young man into his car and drove to the hospital. The young man continued reciting the Quran until suddenly he went silent. The policeman turned and looked at him. The young man appeared to be reaching out his hand to the sky, as if he was looking at something beautiful in front of him. He then said the syahadah, Laa Ilaaha Illallah, without any assistance. And his soul departed his body peacefully. The policeman, who witnessed everything, could not hold his tears.
Later he found out from the young man's brother that he was a very good man. He was on the way to visit his grandmother when the accident occurred. He was well known by the orphans nearby for he always stopped by at the orphanage to play with the kids. He always listens to the Quran and try to memorize them or listens to religious lecture while driving in the car. In other words, he always remembers Allah. And Allah has repaid him by giving him husnul khaatimah, a very good ending, indeed.
Now let us get back and look at ourselves. Can we be like the young man who did not get any help to go through the very critical moment meeting the death angel, but succeeded? Or are we leaning more towards the youngsters ending story? Get into our car and check is there any Quran recitation CDs or cassettes. How many CDs on kuliahs or religious lectures do we have? Is IKIM.fm is on the list of our favorite radio station? And more, how often do we read or listen to the Quran, to clean up our heart? Allahu Akbar, masih jauh kita rupanya…
Sentiasalah berdoa;
"Allahumm Akhtimlana Bihusnil Khaatimah, Walaa Takhtim Alaina Bisuu'il Khaatimah."
Ya Allah, matikanlah kami dengan pengakhiran yang baik, dan janganlah matikan kami dengan pengakhiran yang buruk.
- Sekadar peringatan buat diri sendiri terutamanya dan keluarga serta sahabat2 semua.
- Dari mana asal kita tidak penting. Yang penting ialah ke mana halatuju kita dan paling utama apakah pengakhiran hidup kita.
- Bagi yang tak ada CD Quran dan malas nak ke kedai utk beli, cuba lihat dan boleh download di sini: http://www.al-quran.ca/en_index.html . Kemudian burn lah dalam CD sendiri. Selain Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdy, bacaan Ahmed Al-Agamy juga sangat sedap.
- Semoga kita semua beroleh penghujung kehidupan yang mudah dan baik.